Iron Chef Ben

Given a handful of the chewiest of chewy candies, also known as Starburst, Ben, very purposefully, gets them ready for his mouth.

He doesn’t simply unwrap and eat them one at a time, like (I assume) most of us do. In a few ways (very few), Ben is a master of (slightly) delayed gratification.

First, he unwraps each one. Next, they are stacked — one color at a time. Once these tasks have been completed, only then are the Starbursts ready to be consumed.

Ben does this one color at a time, in the order of his most-to-least favorite color of the day (and on this day, first up was yellow). And these are all eaten, not one candy at a time, but one stack at a time.

This can make for very long chewing sessions.

Food Preparation, Ben Style