First thing’s first — a HUGE Thank You to everyone who donated to Monarch Lifeworks through our Facebook ROYKO SUMMER BIRTHDAY TRIFECTA (Ben, Karen and me) Fundraiser! We originally planned a goal of $500, but then figured, hey, let’s shoot the moon and try for a grand. Trifecta indeed — you all came through with more than three times that — $3011! So I thank you, Karen thanks you, Ben thanks you, and Monarch Lifeworks thanks you!

And speaking of Ben and his latest chronicles…

Ben had just left his favorite bakery with cookies in his belly, and was now heading to his checkup with the neurologist and a promise of Five Guys Burgers after.

Karen had already gone ahead, checked in, and called me when the doc was ready as I drove Ben around because Ben + actually waiting in a waiting room  =  @*~#&%!!!

Ah, but on the first floor of the doctor’s building is a vending machine, AKA heaven behind plexiglass.

As we’ve all been warned, it ain’t easy getting into heaven.

But as anyone who knows Ben knows, Ben does not give up easily.

“Pop Tarts,” he says, pointing through the plexiglass.

“Hey Ben, no treats now, but after the doctor, we’re going to Five Guys!” as he bends over trying to reach up behind the door flap.

“Come on Ben, you just had cookies from the bakery” (a stupidly meaningless statement from me as far as Ben’s concerned), as he looks on the left side of the machine, then the right, before again bending down to see how far up his hand can reach this time. Still not far enough.

“Hey Ben, let’s go see the doctor and then it’s Five Guys!” as he pushes on the plexiglass.

“No treats now buddy, the doctor’s waiting” (another ‘who cares’ statement), as Ben points and repeats his request for Pop Tarts.

I walk around the corner to the elevator.

“Let’s go,” I say with little hope, which is justified.

After standing by the elevator for a minute, I go back around the corner.

“Pop Tarts,” giving it one last try.

“Treats later, first the doctor.”

Luckily, Ben does like going to see doctors. He relents and heads to the elevator, after only six minutes.

And no Pop Tarts.

And no tantrum!


There are no small victories when it comes to autism.


Ben has composed a new song, premiered as we walked through the Five Guys parking lot. I have taken the liberty of titling it for him.

The Bagel Store
Words and (use your imagination) music by Ben Royko.

The Bagel Store.
The Bagel Store.
The Bagel Store.
Down the slide.

Yes, maybe a bit cryptic. Certainly challenging to interpret. You know how it is with artists.

First thing’s first.
A walk on a woodsy path is not complete without the right book, picked from a batch in the front seat. Actually, anything and everything Ben does is not complete without the right book.

Book chosen, path walked.

Karen follows Ben, heading in for refueling. And I’m inside, with food awaiting, per our FIVE GUYS routine (click here).

Another gorgeous day, another dandy walk, this time on the path from Edgewater View to Edgewater Park Beach (for you locals).

Ben’s funny when it comes to walks. Walking is his thing, something he loves and he can wear you out with his stamina. But most of the time, he says “No walk” when we suggest it, and we comply if we gave him a choice (“Want to go for a walk?”), which we see as only fair. We asked, he answered.

But sometimes we don’t ask, but say, “We’re going for a walk,” and after his “No walk” response, we hop out and say, “Yeah, it’ll be a nice walk.” And he always complies.

And almost always, he enjoys it.

It’s the transition that’s hard for him. Remaining in the car is a comfort. Even if he knows and likes the activity we are proposing (and we’ve done this particular walk a hundred times), the anticipation along with the 2 seconds of moving from the car to the outside is the tough part.

Then — voila — a nice walk.

The poor guy is often his own worst enemy.

Monarch Center for Autism’s symbol, shining on the patio floor at their Backyard Bash fundraiser. A great organization (where Ben lives), a great fundraiser, and a cool logo — another great Trifecta.

Simple Pleasures: Eating Walking Singing (Waiting – Not So Much)