Ben is always surprising us – mostly in good ways. (The other kind, we’ll get to that.) For example: Sightseeing with Ben is literally that – sight seeing, as in a very quick glance and then the sight’s been seen
Surprise Party

Ben is always surprising us – mostly in good ways. (The other kind, we’ll get to that.) For example: Sightseeing with Ben is literally that – sight seeing, as in a very quick glance and then the sight’s been seen
Come on out and help The Pam Stern Legacy of Hope Foundation, which supports Keshet’s programs for children and adults with autism, great organizations that I am thrilled to be working with for this event. CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS AND
Ben gets stylish: ~~~ Ben gets happy: Ben’s ideal career would (and hopefully will) be built around sorting. He is a sorting virtuoso. Fast, focused, accurate and unflagging, in fact it’s already been one of his regular jobs, at a
I was trying to think of what I wanted to say about autism on this Autism Awareness weekend. But then Facebook helped me out and just showed me what I wrote three years ago. So instead of finding another way
I can’t keep up with the world of blogging and podcasts and twitter and social media and app-based stuff and-and-and… So there’s this app blog thing called SpareMin which records podcast interviews and releases them right away and then a
First, I want to thank you, sincerely, for helping our son. Ben suffers from severe autism. His needs are immense, as are the bills, for him and the hundreds of thousands like him. If you pay taxes, you have made
A couple of months before Mr. Unfortunately Not Aborted became President Pond Scum, I ran a Huffington/Juggling Autism blog post under the heading, “Please, We BEG You, For Ben’s Sake, Keep Trump Out,“ for which I received e-mails and comments
One way you know Ben’s in a great mood is when he’s singing: How many guys do you know who loves doing his laundry so much it inspires him to burst into song? I tell ya ladies, he’s quite a
If you have or know a guy/gal like our Benny Boy, you might appreciate why my jaw just dropped hard enough to loosen a few teeth. (Remember, as far as Ben is concerned, if left up to him, all foods
Catching up with February on its last day of the year… Ben hoofing it back to the car at Presque Isle in Erie yesterday on a record breaking February 18th. —————- Karen, with tray in hand, is finally approaching the