Ben walking through Penitentiary Glen (named in the olden days because the deep ravines are easy to get into but hard to get out of), grooving on the fall colors — or at least enjoying himself. (October 23, 2016)

Ben walking through Penitentiary Glen (named in the olden days because the deep ravines are easy to get into but hard to get out of), grooving on the fall colors — or at least enjoying himself. (October 23, 2016)
It looks like light radiating up, but the sun was setting on the opposite horizon, shining on the clouds which reflected light down from above, on the road to Cleveland on 80/90. (October 21, 2016)
Ben hoofs around the Cleveland Museum of Art before a big fundraiser. (October 23, 2016) We LOVE this space, and the entire Cleveland Museum of Art. And so does Ben, which makes it truly special — a place where he
This is a political post, but it is not meant to stir anything up or accuse anybody of anything. I beg everyone to NOT post anything antagonistic about EITHER candidate below this post, or anything negative about people who are
Today, I feel incredibly lucky. Here’s why. It is not because I just spent six nights in a hospital bed wrestling with nasty cellulitis and emerged victorious. Happy, sure, but that’s not why. Not because I have a good job
Having just started reading (and looking at — this is an epic masterpiece of photography, which I was already prepared for) “Immersed — Our Experience With Autism,” by Bruce and Valerie Hall), I think I might be reading the greatest
If you don’t know and love a guy like Ben, you may not understand why this 30-second video makes me tear up. He’s better husband material than I am! And extra-special thanks to the extra-special Mary Beth at Ben’s house
AUTISM AND THE ELECTION: If you’ve known us for a while, you know our whole story with autism, which messed up Ben’s life before he really even had a chance to start it. I don’t know if we are single-issue
Karen and I heard their brand new voices for the first time at 3:30 in the morning, tiny and insistent, premiered in the delivery room, and we have (usually…) adored them more than any other sounds, through all their changes,
Thanks a lot, Jerry Seinfeld. Actually, I mean it. At least Seinfeld did the right thing a couple of years ago by quickly pulling back his dumb, seemingly off-the-cuff remarks that he himself was autistic. It turned out, he wasn’t