These are weird times. Our apartment building in Cleveland, where we are every other weekend when we come in from Chicago to see our disabled son living in a group home, has a TV room or party room or whatever
Smile From Above
The lobby of Ben’s psychiatrist’s office building has a great skylight, and Ben seemed to get a kick out of Daddy lying on the floor to get a picture of it.
Ben’s Muse
Julie is a terrific music therapist Ben got to know when she would come into his classroom at school to do a session. He loved it. Since he graduated out of school and into adult services, we’ve hired Julie to
Just Another Routine Dentist Appointment
6:55 AM God I hate dental check ups and cleanings. Not mine. Ben’s. Heading over to the Cleveland Clinic surgical floor now, the hospital, where he will go under a general anesthetic, which will take seven of us holding him
Mike Royko: Millions in his Firing Squad
Mike Royko: Millions in his Firing Squad My father wrote this column the day Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated, April 4, 1968. It ran the next day day (the way things worked in the pre-‘net age), April 5, 1968,
Quick Trips
Saturday at the Cleveland Art Museum: We came, we saw, we (Ben) tried the emergency exit, we heard the screaming alarm, we conquered, we left. ~~~ As Benny boy events go, this was nothing. It is a great Art Museum,
An Autistic Tongue
Ben’s tongue is something he shows to two sets of people: Doctors, and people he really likes. Doctors, of course, because it’s a routine part of an exam, and he likes opening his mouth and saying “Ahhh” when requested, or
Immersed – Our Experience with Autism, by Bruce and Valerie Hall ~ a book review
Immersed: Our Experience with Autism Bruce and Valerie Hall Published by Visual Summit Review by David Royko Immersed: Our Experience With Autism is the most important book produced about severe autism, ever. “Severe,” as in the devastating disorder of autism,
Bearded Benny Baking
Today Facebook gave me one of those annoying notices: “David, here’s a moment from 1 year ago we thought you might like to look back on.” As if my life is so interesting that I should share something with the
Catching Up with Cleveland and Ben
One of the things I use Facebook for is polishing and harvesting potential blog posts, and this November-December stretch has been a busy one. Hence, I haven’t had a chance to transfer the keepers to my blog, until now. So