Hey Big Ben fans, click on this link for a six second YouTube video and feast your eyes!
Parents of a grownup might glance at this super-grainy clip and think, “Uh, OK, so this 30 year old guy’s vacuuming. You sure must be easily entertained.”
Parents of a grownup with severe autism might glance at this super-grainy clip and think, “Yes! GO BEN!!!”
That’s because life skills are among the many things most of us have never had to think about. We just do them, naturally. Even vacuuming (as unnatural as that might seem to newly wedded husbands).
But for Ben, life skills do not come naturally, but are skills to be learned.
And one great thing about Ben is, he LOVES to do chores.
He’s a clothes drier fiend, a watering-the-flowers maniac, a dishwasher demon, and we just discovered, thanks to the video clip from the divine Jazzane (pronounced Jazz-In-Ay), he VACUUMS!
So now, if I post this clip to social media, Ben will have maidens lobbing marriage proposals by the score. Dude Vacuuming = World’s Greatest Aphrodisiac.
Line starts on the left, ladies.