Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays are our Ben days.
This morning, we got a call letting us know that there is a wicked stomach bug blazing through Ben’s house, not just hitting the guys, but the staff as well. Reinforcements have been called in. Ben had thrown up last night and twice this morning. So no Benny boy this weekend.
And we can only imagine what it is like in Ben’s house today. We don’t like to.
Having had to deal, many many many many many times, in Ben’s younger days prior to moving out, with those kinds of situations, and worse (like even worse “symptoms” in cars, or public places), I still feel a tinge of PTSD just thinking about it. I am far from alone — ask any parent of a severely autistic person about their family’s life versus a typical life.
So this is to express HUGE love and appreciation to the people (I’d call them angels if I believed in that kind of thing but, oh heck, the angels) helping take care of our children, and our very big children like Ben, who always remain our children no matter how old they get.
We can not imagine our and Ben’s world without you all, now, before, and ahead. We never take you for granted, and deeply appreciate you every single day.
And not just on days like today!