Karen not only subscribes to the New York Times crossword puzzle, but to their additional package of word puzzles and brain teasers. (Her brain likes exercise, while mine prefers sitting on the couch watching the televised fireplace.)
We have noticed a new practice of Ben’s when reading (or maybe just newly noticed by us). When we give him his schedule at the beginning of a visit, after reading through it, he will return to it at various points in the visit and go through it again, but this time pointing at letters that reappear. For example, he will touch each O, or touch each A. He’s always been fascinated, and entertained, by words and letters.
Yep, genes.
This post was inspired this Facebook “memory” that popped up today. If you don’t do Facebook (and my hat’s off to you), it presents you with posts you made on that date in the past. This one is from 6 years ago:
Ben is always happy to read signs, or just about anything, as whole words and/or spelling them out letter by letter. This one has 61 of them: c-l-e-v-e-l-a-n-d-m-e-t-r-o-p-a-r-k-s-s-q-u-a-w-r-o-c-k-p-i-c-n-i-c-a-r-e-a-s-o-u-t-h-c-h-a-g-r-i-n-r-e-s-e-r-v-a-t-i-o-n, or Cleveland Metroparks Squaw Rock Picnic Area South Chagrin Reservation, if you prefer. Ben likes both.

And a Ben Bonus — and another thing he loves: Videos! He’s a multi-media kind of guy.
Ben had his pic snapped by Karen as he was absolutely riveted by a much-loved video he hadn’t seen in years that we dug up on YouTube (at his request), Follow Along Songs, while simultaneously re-shoeing — a born multi-tasker.
And even that was interspersed with his love for letters. As I pecked out (by remote control) the tedious process of spelling the video using YouTube’s absurdly archaic Roku search engine, Ben helped my along by informing me which letter was next. He is an excellent speller, natch.