Thanksgiving 2020
With today including a Ben visit, and Karen having spent part of yesterday and most of today making Thanksgiving food, she felt like we might be able to forgo the turkey until the weekend, which makes sense. We (or at least I because it’s zero WW points) eat turkey all the time, and this weekend we’ll be (trying to) get back on the wagon, chow-wise, and turkey is as on-the-wagon as it gets.
So we suffered with only the homemade side dishes. We have the dessert from Costco waiting in the wings. (Bigass Pumpkin and Pecan pies, and Ben put a very nice dent in the Pumpkin.)
We made due with:
>Cranberry sauce (Ina Garton’s recipe, aka the Barefoot Contessa)
>Stuffing (brioche bread, onions, parsley, celery, mushrooms, eggs, chicken stock, seasonings)
>Homemade Green-bean casserole (fresh green beans, homemade mushroom cream sauce, canned crunchy onions on top)
>Cornbread (made with cheddar cheese and scallions)
>Sweet Potato Casserole with marshmallows
Regarding the Sweet Potato Casserole, Karen made that specifically to try and tempt Ben to eat a vegetable — and it worked! She told him it was marshmallow pudding. It had so many marshmallows, it was like, as Karen said, Sweet Potato Smores. We actually bought (“by accident”) a much-larger bag of marshmallows than the recipe called for, but Karen figured, hey, all the better to tempt Ben. And he loved it. Almost as much as I did.
Oh, and Karen didn’t do everything. I contributed too, for cryin’ out loud.
I bought the marshmallows.