It’s really, really rough to have had no in-person contact with Ben for the past month, with no end in sight. We don’t know if it’s as hard on him as it is on us. We sure hope not.
That said, we are in the lucky minority who (a) completely trust the people he is with, (b) know two of his favorite activities — taking walks and going for van rides — are things he can do, if anything, even more than he did before the pandemic, and (c) we are not in the situation so many are in, quarantined with their severely autistic progeny away from their usual programming and supports. Anyone quarantined with an unhappy, severely autistic child or adult is dealing with a situation inconceivable to most.
But on a happier note, I just dropped off Ben’s Easter booty at the main building on the Monarch campus, to be given to him on Sunday at his house. He might not get to seek the hidden plastic eggs that has become a tradition at our apartment, but then again, he might prefer getting all of them in a basket anyway, no hunting required. Ben’s an instant gratification kinda guy.
The inventory (ultimately to be doled out by staff in the days to come after he unpacks it all, because otherwise everything would be gone within 15 minutes):
> Basket one: a homemade card from Jake, and four books;
> Basket two: a homemade card from Karen (and me), 6 Reeces peanut butter Easter candies, and 24 plastic eggs, each containg either 5 Easter Bunny gummies, or a yellow Easter Bunny Peep;
> And one box of his favorite treats in the world, Luna Bakery sugar cookies covered in colorful Easter-themed icing — bunnies, Easter eggs, etc.
I’m jealous.