Little bits of Ben’s life over the past couple of weeks…


Six residents + staff at Ben’s group home = big garbage day.

Tomica at Great Clips is getting rid of Ben’s curls. I was opposed to it, but when Mommy and Daddy have a difference of opinion about Ben, the tie-breaking vote usually goes to… guess who?

While I ran a quick errand in our apartment building and Karen cooked Ben his dinner, he was busy with a project. Even if he doesn’t ever want to watch a few of these, they apparently still serve an artistic purpose.

Luckily, he doesn’t seem to mind putting them back.

Ben saunters back from the waterfront at Headlands Beach State Park, a darn groovy place to visit on a gorgeous day.

And a bonfire that never happened at Headlands Beach State Park.

An Itty Bitty Picture Potpourri